TBS group expert in media and communication solutions

Our mission : Enhance your content. Monetize your audience

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Few figures


of the company


of employees


of expertise

+ 1000

of customers

Publisher of media solutions
for more than 30 years …

TBS group has been supporting companies in the media and entertainment sector in the design and implementation of their digital transformation. Thanks to our SaaS solutions and services, we help more than 1,000 companies successfully transform in a world subject to significant upheavals. We act as an experienced partner, proposing new approaches as part of the process of anticipating new economic models, in order to offer a full range of services.

The group specializes in three areas of expertise: Data, Advertising and Subscription, in France and in the main European markets (Italy, Germany, Spain and Benelux).

Our core value: Enhance the content. Monetize the audience.

Contact us

Data, CRM, subscriptions…

TBS group publishes and integrates its solutions and is an expert in Data, Advertising and Subscription.



andzup is the leading BtoB marketing portal for the communications sector in Europe.



The aloha (CRM) – adresa software suite covers 100% of the commercial spectrum of an advertising department, streamlining the exchange of information and accelerating the various processes.



With mahalo & Qiota manage your subscriptions and online stores, segment the audience, monetize content and increase revenue.
GesTri provides 3 additional modules to efficiently manage your mailings.

Our values

We are driven by a conviction: The importance of contributing, through our solutions, to the development of the various forms of media and press in Europe.


A strong customer culture

This is a core value for us, a state of mind, a beacon illuminating the mission, THE operational priority. This value influences how resources are allocated and is undoubtedly one of the best levers to offer our customers a quality experience.


A responsible company

TBS group is an ecosystem of committed entrepreneurs, passionate engineers, experts and partners with the same ambition: Work together to bring about change and give it meaning, and generate the connections and energy necessary for success.


Freedom Framework

Collective intelligence at the heart of the joint construction approach. In addition to the implementation of ‘agile’ tools such as Design thinking, we take a collective intelligence approach where everyone contributes to a common objective through their experience and expertise. A desire to conquer the day ahead.

TBS group in pictures

Dynamic and close-knit teams, European environments… Gain an insight into day-to-day life at TBS group with these photos!

To take a break

Customer breakfast

Our leaders

Since the summer of 2018, the company has been headed up by the group’s three former managers, positioning TBS group as a leader in the services, media and communications market.

Heading up TBS group, therefore, are…


From advertising to tech. After studying history, Thomas held a number positions at LVMH Média, Marie Claire and La Tribune. He finally settled down at TBS almost 10 years ago, to support the development of the Subscription entity and the group’s marketing strategy in general.


Nicolas DANIEL

Nicolas has been with TBS for 18 years and rose through the ranks to become Head of Advertising and Data up to 2018. Since then he has been Chairman of the group. An impressive ascent!


Philippe DUFOUR

Philippe is former head of the company’s technical division and now one of the three pillars of the company, while retaining his role as Technical Director within the group.



Join us !

Chef de projet fonctionnel PQR F/H

Full time

  • Start : ASAP

  • Based in Saint-Grégoire (France)

Technicien applicatif Support niveau 3

Full time

  • Start : ASAP

  • Based in Saint-Grégoire (France)

Chef de projet informatique fonctionnel F/H

Full time

  • Start : ASAP

  • Based in Issy-Les-Moulineaux (France)

Développeur Web Full Stack H/F

Full time

  • Start : ASAP

  • Based in Issy-Les-Moulineaux (France)

TBS group,
also in Europe

  • France

    Stéphanie Bordier | +33 1 30 80 44 40

  • Benelux

    Gianni Perrotta | +32 2 737 70 20

  • Italy

    Jacopo Sacco | +39 334 3018062

  • Germany

    Coline Büschgens | +49 (0) 221-677887210

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